Thursday, October 29, 2015


Matt Lisle Facebook page
Post below appeared Tuesday, October 27, 2015

VIDEO (SLOW DOWNLOAD): Stacey Porter's swing...

The Pennsylvania Rebellion of the National Pro Fastpitch today signed Stacey Porter. Known by many as the best player in Australia. She was a D1 All-American (in the US) in college and Porter participated in two Summer Olympics leading her teams to silver and bronze medals and won a gold medal at the World Championships. Here is her swing. Very interesting footwork.I will say this. Her bat path is very good and landing so far open does allow her hips to work really well. Having said that, I would not recommend her footwork to anyone. It works for her and not for very many. I'm not sure how she hits an outside pitch.
Posted by Matt Lisle on Tuesday, October 27, 2015